Schedule & Booking Info
Click below to bring you to a more visible calender if you are on a mobile apple device
Or view our schedule here:
Please note: We have a firm 12 hour cancellation policy, see "Studio Policies & Etiquette" for details. We also request you read this section prior to your first class. Thanks ;)
How to sign up:
Go to the following webpage and sign up:
It should prompt you for the required information, but if any of the below are missing, you might not be able to book into classes:
-First and last name
-Email address
-Cell phone number (put in your home number here if you do not have a cell)
You then should be able to book classes through the webpage which is:
OR you can download the Wellness Achieve app!
*Please note, you cannot create your account in the app, you must create it via the webpage first. Unfortunately, you cannot enroll in any of our "Pole Series" through the app. You must click the enrollment tab on the booking webpage.
We highly recommend using the App to purchase and book classes, especially if you are using a mobile device. The webpage can be a bit temperamental and is not as user friendly.
You must pay prior to registration. You can use a credit card via the webpage or app. NOTE: Visa debit and things of the sort will not work, it must be a credit card. If you wish to pay via cash or e-transfer please contact the studio to make arrangements and we will then add the funds to your account.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the studio if you are having trouble booking. This booking system is new to us too :) If you call us, please leave a message! We are often unable to answer the studio cell as many of us have day jobs too ;)