Buy an X-Pole
You can help support our studio by purchasing an X-Pole using our affiliate link. Click the linked image below and it will bring you to the X-Pole site and you can make your purchase, the studio will just receive a small percentage back from the company. We are happy to help if you have any questions selecting your pole!
We are also an authorized X-Pole reseller. If you'd like to purchase a home pole, you can also contact the studio. You'll need to know the height of the floor to the ceiling where you'd like to place your pole, the finish (chrome, stainless steel, etc.) and diameter (eg. 45 mm). We can also help answer any questions. Our pricing is the same as what you'd pay ordering through X-Pole, but this helps support the studio :) This option may take a little more time and please note we have no control over shipping time, back orders, etc.